October 6-15
Dearest Blessed Mother Teresa,
loving friend and guide from darkness to light,
thank you for your life of service to the poorest of the poor and the witness you gave to the power of love triumphing through Christ.
We, who are wretched and poor, place ourselves in humility and total confidence before our heavenly Father. We ask you to stand with us before Him, knowing that your selfless service to Him on earth must endear you to Him still in heaven. By the merits of your life, and in view of your special mission to enlighten those in darkness, please ask God with us to heal Matthew Coles of his cancer in time for the birth of his son. Desiring only to be conformed to God's will, we ask you for this healing that God may be glorified and that we might have the joy of calling you our wretched saint and friend in heaven.
In your letters, Mother, you revealed a vow you made to not refuse your Spouse even the smallest request. Could He now deny you? Would He refuse the prayer of one who gave her life so completely to Him?
We have seen many fruits of Matt's suffering and his family's, and know that this time has been full of grace and God's presence. If it be best for the salvation of souls, let it continue. But please, Mother, ask Jesus yourself. We surrender to and love His will above all other things and shall endeavor to love Him as you did. Pray for us that, wretched though we be, we may allow His love to bring light into our lives more each day.
Glory be,,,,
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